Tips of Choosing Keywords

The purpose of the keyword is to select the term (term) that can bring high traffic to the target of our website. Each page within the site can be targeted for some keyword phrases that berbeda.Overlapping Keyword Phrases
It makes sense to optimize the same page for keyword phrases keyword menshare the same number. Page teranking good a search engine marketing should be also easily terangking for professional search engine marketing or search engine marketing services.

Use Several Keyword Phrases per Page
Thing to note is that we can not optimize a page for 20 different keywords. If we add keywords to the mix, it means reducing the keyword density and change the focus from the page. Page can attract the attention of the robot if optimized for many terms. Keep in mind that freshen the eyes are the most important thing.

Misspelled Keyword
We do not want to either write keywords in body copy or page title as impressive lack profesionalan. But this can be helpful to put this on misspelled keywords meta tag keywords.
There are sites that use a special page focusing on the page title and heading tags on an error versions of those keywords and more explanation below, usually goes like this "Internet Searchers often times searching for xxx misspell the word as blah or blah. If you are looking bam xxx you are in the right place ". Learn about our blah, blah, blah ... .. Search spelling correction from day to day become more sophisticated. Search engines want to fix misspelling in the search result page it before the user is signed on the referring page. According to Yahoo! misspelling can improve the relevance of raising page will reviewnya (which allows site can be removed from the index) and misspell for SEO is not expected for most websites. For areas with a high-level competition such as games or pornography use keywords misspell it can be very general.

Plural versions Keyword
Some search engines use stemming, but usually search result for the search phrases that singular and plural to be different. Highly recommended to optimize the public version of its popular keywords.

Keyword Capital
Almost all search engines do not have the sensitivity of the letters are included. They will see the car with the car is the same.

Keyword with line Hubung
Generally, search engines will assume the same lines spaced relationship. E-mail is considered different from the email. If a word is separated by a line circuit should be checked which version most often used as a word in the search. But if these lines are connected between the two words which its use is the same (with or without connection lines) can make our page better terangking on both versions.

Keyword Result By Location
People from different countries were using different terminology. In America they are looking for taxi cabs, but people will find London taxi hire. Make sure that if we are not the origin of the target country market, it helps to know the common words which they used for describing products / services that will be promoted there.

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