Missing Blog on dashBoard?

actitive I blog because you do not appear on the dashboard is that you log in to the account (account), which is wrong. Such as if you have 2 accounts and accidentally log in to the wrong account, the blog that you mean it will not appear on the dashboard. This usually happens if a blogger has 2 accounts with the same username and password are the same. If kejadiannya like this, it needs to be done is to create a list of all the username you.

Then you beta.blogger.com to blogger.com or email address and enter your course, then you will send a recovery with a list of all email from all accounts the username associated with the email address you. Well after you get the list, then you will get each account's password and you login as you find your blog.

Note: Try the steps above even though you have only one account. Because many instances where the blogger accidentally create extra account without realizing or accidentally. So with mengeceknya akan help you get back to your blog.
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