Flickroom: Free Desktop Application to Browsw Flickr

For the user, or even a lover of Flickr, the following applications may be very helpful We have to not just use Flickr in the browser, but using a desktop application for Flickr on our computers, Flickroom.

Once done install Flickroom, we must allow for access Flickroom We Flickr account. Application relies on We photostream, group, settings, and contacts to get a photo of We.

Flickroom have more value to display the images in a fun way of background gray interesting. All the applications look darker and this may have biased reviews, although it made quite fun to use and really shows the color of every photograph we. From the Flickroom You can browse through the Group, see the new additions made by the contacts we, and many more.

We can control how much detail about the image that is displayed starting from the appearance of a simple slide to sidebar with all the descriptions, comments, tags, and EXIF data. We can also comment on photos, rate, make notes, save it to your computer, and do Tweet on the photographs that were We'll see.

Flickroom is a free application and Adobe AIR-Driven. This application can we install on Windows, Mac, and Linux. Quite interesting considering the status of this application is still beta.
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