Find Ideas to Update Blog

When to update the blog, sometimes we like the lack of ideas for writing blog content. In fact the idea umtuk update the blog can come from anywhere, easily found, but apparently the idea has close relationships with the 'mood'. Because every so often if we run out of ideas' people 'are' down '. However, if the 'mood' are good, any idea can become a disulap-posting.Tip following tips can be applied when running out of ideas (not always being 'bad mood') and menaklukan conditions' bad mood '.

Here are tips that can be applied when running out of topics to update blog,:
1. Comments, this feature is to support activities to update, so if you have a blog please feel free to open-format comments, and give visitors easy access to comments (remove chaptcha image, spam test). If I run out of topics for the update, I usually browse the comments diblog the entrance, and then I read the ideas to be written.

2. With email, please do not hesitate to put diblog email with the title 'contact me', 'contact me' or 'email me'. Email is very helpful for me to update this blog, where quite a lot of blog visitors who ask for a number of things via email, then my reply with a request to post and read it.

3. Visit our blog friends, every day I always visit the other bloggers, whether he often visited and commented diblog me or not, must I visit and read their posts, and this can give you ideas for writing.

4. Browsing, this way of that because many dipraktekan very helpful.

5. Archive, post-check before posting that your most attractive and create more
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