Blow Endangered Earth Asteroid Apophis on 2029

MOSCOW: An asteroid discovered in 2004, can be a threat to Earth in 2029, said Director of the Institute of Astronomy in Russia, Monday. Boris Shustov in international forums about the outer space, suggests that the asteroid Apophis, which will cross Earth's orbit in 2029 with a distance of 27,000 kilometers, for one thing, could hit Earth in 2029.

The explosion can exceed the Tunguska explosion on June 30, 1908, which damaged an area of 2150 square kilometers in Russia and break down more than 80 million trees in the area of Krasnoyarsk in Siberia.

The explosion in the air that comes from the meteor that strength is estimated between 10 and 20 megatons of TNT, equivalent to a thousand Hiroshima atomic bomb. The explosion could cause a shock wave around 5.0 on the Richter Scale.

Asteroid did not seem to be like the stories in Hollywood films, because modern technology allows the asteroid's orbit was corrected by using a small satellite, Shustov said.

"Blowing the asteroid is a step that can not be taken into account, and one other approach is more cautious now have available," he said.

He said, a microsatellite containing 10 liters of fuel can improve the track's outer space objects.

Last month, a mysterious object believed to be a meteorite, fell to earth in a remote region of Peru and the resulting crater 30 meters in diameter with a depth of six meters. The locals, including police who collected samples from the scene, complained of vomiting and nausea.
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